League Info:

We have two different league formats here at Linx.

Weeknight Block: We reserve two hour blocks for leagues with 12 members (6 teams of 2) that will play in a format of the league’s choosing and meet at the same time each weeknight. Time slots for these leagues are 6-8 and 8-10PM. The duration of these leagues are up to its participants however it is $30 per player for however many weeks, dues are paid up front and prizes are at the discrepancy of the league admins.

Weekly Best Ball- We also have a 2 person best ball league where you and either a partner, or a random pairing if you are a single, will compete in a ten week league with handicaps. Handicaps will be established within the first two weeks of play and will start out at 80% of your normal hdcp. If you don’t have one the first two weeks will be used to establish your hdcp. Teams will get one hour to complete 9 holes of golf. The cost will be $25 per player for the ten weeks, to be paid up front.Click the interested button below to register your team or just yourself below.